Saturday, March 3, 2012


Montmartre is a destination in itself, so you will want to decide whether or not it is worth your while. If you had more time in Paris, I would absolutely recommend that you go to Montmartre, but, as it is essentially not near anything else, I am not sure that you will want to spend the time. Artists like Modigliani, Picasso, Dali, and Lautrec had studios in the community of Montmartre. The main site to see is the Place du Tertre, the square where many of these artists lived, including Modigliani. I was upset to see that the square has now become overrun with tourists. It used to be a quiet area where artist would congregate. Now, they paint tourists for money. The Moulin Rouge is in Montmartre, but I would steer clear of that area as it is pretty seedy. Lots of sex shops and the like, but maybe you’re into that kind of thing. If you do make it up to Montmartre, definitely visit Sacré Coeur. I wouldn’t waste time going inside as it is a fairly modern basilica, but the view of Paris is fantastic from the hill on which Sacré Coeur sits.

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